BBS in a Box 7
BBS in a Box - Macintosh - Volume VII (BBS in a Box) (January 1993).iso
IDOD 3.4.1.CPT
IDOD 3.4.1
IDOD Dox & Stuff
IDOD Quick Dox
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Text File
361 lines
I Dream Of Downloading 3.4
Copyright © 1992
Robert A. Daniel
All Rights Reserved
1156 W. 103rd St., Suite #150 <-- new address
Kansas City, MO 64114
(816) 943-1214
IDOD 3.4 will run only with White Knight and NOT Red Ryder. IDOD 3.2
is available in the FreeSoft libraries and may still work with Red Ryder
but it is no longer supported. Please upgrade to White Knight if you
want to take all the advantages of IDOD.
A nicely formatted and more compete manual has been written for IDOD 3.3
in Word and MacWrite which still applies for IDOD 3.4. This documentation
is very detailed and is worth downloading.
In the Mac library:
Desc: IDOD 3.3/3.2 Dox for MacWrite
Desc: IDOD 3.3/3.2 Dox for MS Word 3.0 up
White Knight 11.06 or newer
Any text editor desk accessory (such as Sigma Edit, McSink, Vantage)
Hard Drive recommended
IDOD will download a batch of files from GEnie based on a list which is
created by you or by GEnie. The procedure looks through the list until it
sees a flag character (default is the asterisk “*”) which you place in the
list. The flag character is to be placed in front of the file NUMBER of each
file desired to download. IDOD will download all of the files in the list that
contain the flag. Registered users can have IDOD dial GEnie and
automatically log in and download completely unattended. It can also dial at
a specified time.
IDOD has a Quick & Dirty (Q&D) feature to allow downloading up to 24 files
without having to edit or create a list with flag characters. It is setup in a
single window.
A log is kept in a text file called " IDOD Log" which keeps track of the time
and cost to download each file and totals up at the end of the procedure. All
errors are also recorded in the log.
When using the dialer, IDOD will check if you have mail. If you do, it will
read your mail and append it to a file for later viewing.
Limitations to non-registered users:
IDOD is completely functional except for the dialing feature. If not
registered, IDOD will only work when you are online to GEnie. See the order
form at end of this dox to register or initiate the "IDOD Order Form"
procedure located in the IDOD folder. When registered, you will receive
a password via GEnie Mail to activate the rest of IDOD.
There is NO upgrade fee for registered users of previous versions.
How to use IDOD:
IDOD has two modes of operation: Expert and Novice. The novice mode
is intended for introductory use. Primarily for those of you who have never
used it, the novice mode will walk you through the setup and explain the
process of preparing a list. It is more time consuming to use but allows
easier understanding of the procedure. When familiar with using IDOD, use
the expert mode.
The expert mode is designed to have the least amount of prompts as
possible in order to reduce wasted time in IDOD. Registered users have the
advantage of using the dialer, therefore they can be off-line when preparing
to download.
Starting up IDOD:
• Initiate the procedure under the “Service” menu.
• The first time IDOD is run, it will ask what folder IDOD is located in.
Enter the folder that contains IDOD, then click on "Select". You will not need
to do this anymore once it has been defined.
IDOD will search the list for the flag characters and download the
marked files. If the file does not exist, IDOD will record the error and
continue to the next file. This may occur if using an old list that may
contain files no longer in existence or if the numbers were not defined
Example list:
(This list was created by GEnie and captured by IDOD to a file called " GENIE
8679 APFONT 3.0.SIT X J.HAMILTON10 880310 17640 149 5
Desc: cdev to change default font
*8690 AREALITYBBS X M.SHAWE 880311 2520 1 10
Desc: announcing new BBS
?8695 CAT DOS & DON'TS.SIT X G.HOPKINS 880312 36540 5 11
Desc: Humorous advice for cats
*8693 DOCTER V1.70 - SIT X MSWALL 880311 39060 14 6
Desc: Makes stand alone docs w/graphics!!
8667 EAGLE/BORDER.SIT X T.TEDDER 880310 13860 30 1
The flag must be placed directly in front of the file NUMBER! There must not
be a space between the file number and the flag.
The procedure will download only files 8690 and 8693 and will get a longer
description of 8695. When the end of the list is reached, the procedure
will end. The list may be as long as you like!
Q&D Downloading:
If you do not want to download files based on a list, you don't have to.
The Q&D option will allow you to enter up to 24 file numbers to download.
You may do this for online use or prepare it before entering GEnie via the
dialer. (Remember that you must register in order to use the dialer.)
Multi-Page Downloading:
Multi-Page Downloading refers to downloading from more than one RT
(which are referenced as pages). The list that contains the files to
download should be divided into pages and have the following above each RT
list: "-->###" where ### is the page number of the file section that
corresponds to the listing below. See sample Multi-Page list in the same
folder as this version of IDOD.
Getting More Description of a file:
If you want more information on a file, place a '?' in front of the file
number instead of a flag character. This will get a long description of
the file and will place it in the file "GEnie Long List" in the same folder
as IDOD.
Other Stuff:
The Black Status Bar shows the process of the procedure as it is
searching and downloading. The file number and name of the current file
downloading is shown. It also notifies you when the end of the list has been
Every action of IDOD is recorded in a log called " IDOD Log" which is
placed in the same folder as IDOD. The log keeps track of the time taken to
download each file and estimates your cost.
I considered every possible error I could find. This procedure is
meant to be used unattended so I tried to consider every possible error in
order for it to continue without attention. If you come up with an error that
IDOD can’t detect, please let me know. I don’t guarantee that it can detect
all errors but I covered all that I could find.
Error Checking:
• If the flag is part of a file name. Example: (* is defined as the flag)
729 BCS*CLICKER2 X KENWINOGRAD 880131 3780 30 8
Desc: Clicker...mouse coordinate DA (handy
IDOD will attempt to download a file by the number “CLICKER2” but GEnie
will give an error. IDOD will detect that error, record it, and continue with
the next file.
• If a download has started and you decide to cancel it, click on the close
window box during the download. GEnie will respond that you have cancelled
the transfer, IDOD will detect it, and continue with the next file. The cancel
will be recorded in the log.
• If an old list is used where the file number no longer exists, GEnie will
prompt an error which is then detected by IDOD. The error will be recorded.
• If you use the wrong password or id in the dial window, GEnie will
respond with a validation or fault error. IDOD will automatically hang up
and pop up a window stating that the password or id is incorrect in the Dial
• IDOD is very thorough in panic traps. If for some reason IDOD gets out of
sync with GEnie or an unexcpect prompt appears that causes IDOD to get
stuck, IDOD will perform an emergency logoff (after 2 minutes of no
responses). The emergency logoff will be recorded in the log.
The recorded errors will be displayed after the procedure has completed to
alert you which files where not downloaded. You also have a choice to
immediately print the log file for the most recent IDOD session.
The procedure looks for at least two pipes ‘||’ at the end of the file
which tells it to quit. If the listing is rather long, place a few pipes on its
own line after the last file to download. This will speed up the procedure
because it will not have to search through the remainder of the list.
Another way to speed it up is to remove any file names or
unnecessary lines not being used. The procedure looks at every line in the
file until it comes up to a flag or two pipes. The less lines, the faster the
procedure. This is not necessary, but searching will be slightly faster
especially if on a floppy drive.
If you want some files that are not on the list, just insert the file
number(s) at the top of the listing and insert the flag character in front of
each number. It is not necessary to provide the file name or description.
Each additional file number must be on its own line.
Using the long description file supplied by GEnie:
The long description file that is occasionally updated by GEnie can be
used as a list to download from. Place the flag character directly in front
of the file number to download. To speed up the procedure, place a few
pipes (||) on a line of its own after the LAST file you want to download. This
is faster because it will not have to search through the rest of the list. I
don't think you should use this list unless you have like a 25Mhz accelerator
card and a really fast hard drive. I just want it be known that IDOD does
support the long description file.
ZMODEM Downloading:
There are two ways to use ZMODEM: One file at a time or true batch
downloading. Downloading one file at a time means that as file is
individually scanned and then individually downloaded (the way IDOD has
always done it). True batch downloading means that IDOD will prescan the
list and build batches of 20 files to download all at once. If a list
contains 35 files to download, IDOD will build a batch of 20 and a second
batch of 15. There are three drawbacks to the TRUE Batch method.
1) If you cancel the batch download, then you have cancel the entire batch. If
you do a File-by-File download (the first method) you can individually
cancel a download.
2) If one (or more) of the files you select to download doesn't exist on
GEnie, the entire batch will NOT be downloaded. This is a problem with
GEnie and I will write a letter to see if they can fix it.
3) If one (or more) of the files is uploaded in 7 bit text, GEnie won't
send it.
None of this is at fault of IDOD or WK. The first problem is just the
nature of ZMODEM batches. The second two are problems with GEnie. If
you do heavy overnight batch downloading, I suggest you use the file by
file method (one file at a time).
Because the prescan (a seperate procedure written with the help of an
RCMD) can only be done when dialing into GEnie, a list can not be
prescanned while online. The true batch method requires prescanning
therefore can only be done when dialing into GEnie. This will be
expanded to use online in a future version. The bottom line is that if
you want to do true batch downloading, you must be a registered user.
Setting up File-by-File and True Batch:
In the "Options" there are four methods of downloading: XMODEM, XMODEM 1K,
If you select "ZMODEM", IDOD will download one file at a time using the
ZMODEM protocol. If you select "ZMODEM Batch", IDOD will scan the list
and build sets of 20 files per batch. If you are online and attempt to
use "ZMODEM Batch", IDOD will automatically use the File-By-File method.
In the "Dial" window, there is an option to Prescan the list before dialing.
With XMODEM or ZMODEM, you have the option to scan the list before dialing.
This will find all the file to download before dialing therefore there isn't
any wasted time while online when searching for a file. If you are using
"ZMODEM Batch", you MUST prescan the list so that the sets of 20 files
per batch can be made. This may be a little confusing, but try out the
two methods to see how they work. I'll attempt to make this easier in
a future version.
Whether doing XMODEM, ZMODEM, or "ZMODEM Batch", you should prescan the
list to reduce wasted time online.
All registered users will receive the password to enable the complete
version (which will work in any roundtable and will dial) and be eligible to
ßeta test any future procedures. Please provide your GEnie Mail address so
that I can mail the password to you.
I Dream Of Downloading 3.4
Written & © '91 by Robert A. Daniel
All Rights Reserved
GEnie mail: BOB.DANIEL
AT&T Mail: attmail!cikpc!bob
USENET: rad@genco.bungi.com
Robert A. Daniel
1156 W. 103rd St., Suite #150
Kansas City, MO 64114
(816) 942-5226
(913) 451-0851
Order form - Send $15 to:
Robert A. Daniel
1156 W. 103rd St., Suite #150
Kansas City, MO 64114
(816) 942-5226
(913) 451-0851
Name: _____________________________________________
Company: _____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
Phone #: _____________________________________________
GEnie Mail Name: _____________________________________________
Approximate number of files downloaded per MONTH:
__ Under 5 __ 5 - 15 __ 15 - 25 __ Over 25
What features would you like to see in future versions (It may
involve any feature on GEnie, not just downloading)?